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I'm a professional cleaner

Jun 21, 2023Jun 21, 2023

THERE are a lot of cleaning products out there and they all claim to be vital, but according to one women there at least four things you can save money on.

Jill, who posts on social media as Jill Comes Clean, revealed exactly what you should ditch and why they're so unnecessary.

Although some cleaning tools and products really do make jobs easier, some of them are a total waste.

One of those is dusting spray, Jill explained.

"They really just create buildup, a damp microfibre cloth is truly all you need," she said.

Not only does it work out cheaper, but you'll get loads better results around your home.

Stainless steel sprays are also a bit pointless, since you can get the same results with just a wet cloth.

And if streaks are a problem you can also use baby oil to get rid of them.

Simply add a small amount to a microfibre cloth and buff it into your your fridge and other stainless steel items.

Not only that, but fabric softener might seem like a cleaning essential, but you probably already have something else in your cupboards that works just as well, and it's a fraction of the price.

Jill explained: "It does the same thing without the harsh ingredients and it's cheaper."

Finally, you don't need to stock up on glass and mirror cleaners either.

"Instead, try a damp microfibre cloth followed by an ultrafine microfibre," the pro explained.

After sharing her tricks on YouTube other cleaning fans raved about the advice.

One said: "I love the vinegar trick. Haven't purchased fabric softener in years!

"Your clothes do not smell of vinegar, in my opinion, it enhances the freshness and smell of the detergent."

A second agreed: "Seriously, I clean like 95% of my house with just Dawn dish soap and microfiber cloths.

"Haven't used fabric softener in my washer or dryer sheets in my dryer for years and my clothes never come out gunky due to buildup. My machines are much better for it too, and don't smell."